martes, 31 de agosto de 2021

5th B- Welcome to our News show

 Lately, 5th graders have been reading and studying news articles. As part of the Olympic games display, 5th B students produced a news segment, telling to the audience some information about events that took place this year in Tokyo.

Enjoy the video!

Congrats kids!

Muestra: Juegos Olímpicos

 Luego de trabajar durante varias semanas el tema de los JJOO, realizamos una muestra con los grupos de 5° y 6°.

La muestra es el resultado de la labor de los alumnos y del trabajo colaborativo realizado entre las maestras, Prof. de educación física y Prof. de inglés.

¡Felicitamos a los alumnos por su gran trabajo!

Aclaración: Subimos el video en 3 partes para que la página pudiera cargarlos.

lunes, 23 de agosto de 2021

Grandma Estela

 Last friday, grandma Estela came to visit 6thB students and shared with us a beautiful story "Baby turtle in a hurry", which was written by herself.

We really enjoyed her visit and hope to see her again soon.


jueves, 19 de agosto de 2021

miércoles, 18 de agosto de 2021

Tokyo Olympic Games

 As part of collaborative work, toghether with the teachers of 5th, 6th grades and the Physical Education teacher Florencia, we have been investigating and learning about the Olympic games and the Uruguayan athletes.

Next week, students will be delivering a presentation about the Olympics. Soon, we will post more for you to watch what kids do.